Referral Programme

The success of Laura G Photography relies very much on your lovely recommendations. So to thank you for all your glowing praises to friends and family, I'm now starting a new referral programme.  

Each client will recieve a card at their session.  Pass the card onto a friend and if they book a session with Laura G Photography (and present the card) you and the friend will each get a free large 14x11" print (a £50 value).

If you are a previous client and would like a card(s) to give to friends/family, please just click on "Contact" in the menu above and send me a little message with your postal address and I will get them in the post for you.
Small print** the referral programme is good for 1 free 14x11" or smaller print.  No cash value.  Valid on new sessions only.  Expires 1 year from stated card date.  "Referrer" can accumulate as many as they would like to use at 1 newly booked session.  Referree limited to one card redemption.